Sunday, October 11, 2009



wow, i have been putting this off for a long time so here we go.
shortly after finishing my "rainbow synth"(mid July) i started on a new keyboard. much like the rainbow synth, i added a frequency divider circuit to the main voice and a vcf with AR generator. the main objective of this project was to use the 4520 chips i've become so fond of to trigger drum sounds, and what better circuit than the notorious hing hon ek001. it all worked out great and i had this keyboard all built in under two weeks. it went surprisingly fast. that may be why i still dont completely understand the schematic. since i finished this project over two months ago, i dont exactly remember all of the details on constructing this keyboard, but i will say that it is truly my favorite. here is a demo video and some really bad pictures i just took. i'll post the schematic soon.